I am trying to delete a Translation Unit belonging to a Translation Memory by using the GroupShareKit. I can see that the GS API exposes a DELETE method with the exact purpose. I managed to delete all of the contents of a TM. I see that there is a filter…
We've recently noticed the following problem:
Create a project and publish to GroupShare
the host organisation is Root Organization \ Projects \ [a number]
the host organisation is dynamically created (via the GroupShare REST API) for each project…
I'm trying to use the current code to create a new Translation Memory via the GroupShareKit
This fails with a Bad Request response, and no explanation or message as to whats wrong.
Am I missing something, or doing something wrong?
The GroupShare API has a TranslationMemory Export feature
When you make a request for a TM Export you specify the tmId, source and target language.
There is an additional parameter in the request body, and it contains the export filter:
What is…
How can I get the translated text segments from a TranslationMemory's TranslationUnits that I am fetching using GroupShareKit?
What we need:
A way to list actual translated text segments, by exposing them via an API method.
What we currently…
Hi Stefanos,
1. SDL Multiterm Server is part of another SDL product called GroupShare. You can find more details on docs.sdl.com.
GroupShare is made up of 3 components:
Multiterm Server
TM Server
Project TM
2. TMS and the Multiterm Server…
Hi everybody, Hi Paul and Hi Romulus
While generating translation packages programmatically with Studio API we get the error "too many concurrent users" . We connect only once to the TM Server and then analyze, pretranslate, populate the project TM…