WS 11 REST API missing features


I'm checking the REST API of WS11.0, and there are some features that I cannot find:

- Vendor information: have not found how to list vendors, this property is also missing from the user objects

- cannot search users using filters (e.g. client/vendor/role)

Is there any plan to extend the API in an upcoming version?


Also, the documentation of searching for projects (projectGroups/search) seems to be incomplete, the example says:


        "field": "translatedProgress",
        "type": "PERCENTAGE",
        "criterion": {
            "max": "0.5"
        "field": "name",
        "type": "TEXT",
        "criterion": {
            "value": "test"

but a these fields are not documented under "Query parameters". Is there any description about the possible fields/types/criterions? Especially, 

- can I search for projects by status?

- can I search for projects assigned to a specific user? (~ WSWorkflowManager.getAssignedProjectGroupsForUser() in WS 10)




  • - list of vendor is not implemented yet.
    - vendor information is available per user: name and description

    You can search projects by client. Vendor and role is not a field on projects, so you cannot put a search filter on them.

    "field": "client",
    "type": "TEXT",
    "criterion": {
    "value": "ClientName"

    the request body for the projectGroups/search has the following structure:

    "field" : <the field name> -it has to be explicitly requested in the fields url parameter
    "criterion" : {
    "value": <search value>

    the criterion has two forms. For single comparison
    "criterion" : {
    "value": <search value>

    For in range comparison:
    "criterion" : {
    "min": <minimum value>,
    "max": <maximum value>

    You can only search for fields that are present on the resource and are specified expicitly in the fields url parameter.

    You can't search for a status specifically, but you can request a specific view with the parameter viewMode.
    In the current implementation there is a mapping between the view and its id:
    assigned to me : 1
    projects for clients I am a member of: 3
    projects for clients I manage: 2
    active projects for my locales and workgroups: 41
    completed and canceled projects for my locales and workgroups: 42
    all active projects: 5
    all projects: 100
    active projects for my vendor: 101
    completed and canceled projects for my vendor: 102
    active projects for my locales, workgroups and vendor: 103
    completed and canceled projects for my locales, workgroups and vendor: 104

    eg. POST http: // ws-link/ws-api/v1/projectGroups/search. This request can have a body with the search filters
    or GET http: // ws-link/ws-api/v1/projectGroups/search

    The assignment in WS in on the task. The search being on project, we currently don't have a way to query for projects "assigned" to a certain user.
    But you can fetch projects assigned to me using viewMode parameter.

    This API is under development. Yes, there are plans to extend the api to cover other resources and features.

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