Working with REST apis

Hi erveryone,

We are currently in the process of rolling SDL WorldServer out in our organisation. We are running our tests on v. 11.0 but will probably go live with 11.1 as soon as it is available.

I am thinking of using the REST API to access some data. However, I am quite new to REST APIs in general. I am able to set up the connection to the server but it stops there. I am not sure how I should proceed to read the response and retrieve the sessionID. The response looks like formatted HTML and not really like JSON content.

The current documentation of the API does not provide samples on how to implement the API. I wanted to ask if some of you maybe have samples or code parts they would agree to share with me. it would be a great help. Code can be in c# or even javascript.

Thanks in advance to those who will reply.



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