how to configure baseline autocomplete as background task

This document refers to a background task for autocompleting baselines:

Can anyone provide more information about how to configure this and what is the expected behavior?

Currently in our configuration, when a publication is created and map is associated, the baseline only lists the map object. I must go to Publication Manager and select "Autocomplete" to see the referenced topics in the baseline.

How can I configure the system to autocomplete the baseline when publication is created?

Also, does the background task update the baseline when the map is modified? What other events can or will launch the baseline autocomplete process?

  • Hi Paul... the documentation link is not working. As far as I know there is no BackgroundTask that deliberately updates or refreshes baselines.

    Assuming that you programatically created the publication and root-map combination, what is the reason why you want the baseline to be filled up? The first time you open that publication in Publication Manager, it will autocomplete automatically. Or if you publish it over our PublishService an autocomplete will also be triggered so a user will see some working content in the resulting 'PDF' or so.
  • We have custom functionality that requires external repository of bookmap structure of all publications, including baselined versions of topics referenced from the bookmap. Unlike publications and maps, baseline objects don't appear to have any lifecycle event hooks to trigger update of external repository. Perhaps we could force a baseline autocomplete on map checkin, so that the version information is available to update external repository.
  • Hi Paul, trying to think with you on this one...

    There is indeed no IWrite* plugin mechanism available on Baseline objects. I'm still missing some things though...

    1. So who drives the "baselined version of topics", so who owns the master? Is it simply at the time of creation these were the latest versions available for those topics, and those we want to save in a baseline?
    2. What is the unit that should trigger an update to that external repository, and what gets updated? Or is that external system updating Knowledge Center?
    3. Can I imagine it is something like a nighly publish of publications, to a specific repository? You get the AutoComplete action for free on this one, although not 'saved' in the baseline
  • We want to keep the external repository up to date with current CM repository of publications, bookmaps, and referenced topic versions. One way would be a nightly gleaning of the entire CM repository, but that seems heavy-handed. Most of what we want to do can be handled with write plugins, to update the external data whenever anything changes. However, topicref version information only lives in baseline objects, which are irregularly updated (apparently, only on demand through PubMgr, or JIT for publishing). So it seems we must get control of when that happens, by forcing the autocomplete when we need it.

    For example, I just added a new topicref to a map and checked it in (using CM web interface and ContentEditor, which is all that's needed for this task). The write plugin tried to update the external repository with the new publication bookmap structure, but failed to find a version in the baseline object for the added topic. If it had run autocomplete on the baseline, it would have included the version, right? I think I've talked myself into the answer. I just need to see if that imposes any unwanted business process constraints.
  • Looks like you are on track... question is if you even want to change/update the Baseline object in the CM repository. If you don't have a version for your topic, you'll probably select it yourself for downstream/sync usage. Does it trully need to be saved upstream in the Baseline object?

    AutoComplete and Update are essentially functions we have on the Baseline25 API. But for downstream usage, exactly the same can be achieved per object using DocumentObj2.5RetrieveMetadata apply criteria like

    • Parameter peStatusFilter allows you to mimic typical AutoComplete of LatestReleased or LatestAvailable (can also be done through Number field FISHSTATUSTYPE >= 20 for Released statusses and <20 for Draft ones)
    • If you want more specific version rules, try version field VERSION, see Behavior of Version Number
    To be clear, the only component/application that trully saves changes to the Baseline object is a deliberate 'Save' in Publication Manager (or your custom API code). Publishing only does an AutoComplete for downstream usage. Publication Manager does an AutoComplete to assist a user, but it still expect a deliberate save.
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