PerformSearch iteratively


 I have a question regarding Search2.5 PerformSearch. It says in the documentation:

This function replaces the NewSearch/ GetResult functions. An important difference here is that InfoShare doesn't cache your search anymore. The tool which is executing this function is responsible for caching the query and for example requesting more hits if the previous maximum number of hits has been met. We suggest to start your initial query with a maximum result set of 1000.

I manage to get an initial chunks of results just fine. For example, I set the parameter plMaxHitsToReturn to 1000 and that is how many results I get back. However, I can see from the parameter plHitsTotalNumber that there are 2,200 results, and I am not sure how to tease out the next chunk of results.

Seems like this is a generator function (?), but how to iterate over it until all results have been received?

  • Referencing to KC2016SP3 - Search25.PerformSearch

    If I remember correctly the Search.NewSearch and Search.GetResult where part of the product before 2011/9.0.0. At this very moment (2016/12.0.x) we only have Search25.PerformSearch remaining, which synchronously executes the query and gives you the resulting identifiers back. Back then the search was asynchronous, so trigger a "new search" and then a second call to "get results".

    The Search25.PerformSearch doesn't retrieve full results including metadata; it simply returns identifers up to the specified plMaxHitsToReturn parameter. If you need more, then please reexecute your query with a higher plMaxHitsToReturn. Note that plMaxHitsToReturn is advised to be more than the page size you render with. Google doesn't have their 2 million search hits ready for every time either when you click through the pages.