multi-object search and edit

I'm a new community member. I am now using SDL Live Content Architect Publication Manager to manage technical user publications and their content. Is there an option to check-out, search, and edit multiple object in one view rather than checking out and editing each object in a separate edit window/instance. I have a publication with hundreds of topic objects. Thanks.

  • Thanks. So if I recently migrated a publication/map to Publication Manager, and may still need to access and update conditions/variables/other content in hundreds of member DITA topics as part of the DITA map, is there no quicker solution or add-on / third-party option other than editing each topic in one-window-per-file in the xml editor? For example, can I open/edit all the files together in Notepad++ or a web browser and then synch somehow? What do people do with search and edit of very large books?
  • Hi Ari,
    Perhaps the following would work:

    1. Select you publication version in the web UI, click Reports.
    2. Click Show Report.
    3. Click Export Publication.
    4. Retrieve the Zip archive with the files from FTP server (or whatever setup you have).
    5. Extract the files and edit them as you like locally.
    6. Import the files back with SDL Content Importer.

    ...ideally between 5 and 6, run a diff of the before / after directories of the files to verify you got the result you expected.

    Assumptions: no one else is working on this content meanwhile, everything is in Source Draft state.

    Other notes:
    * You should be able to import the files with SDL Content Importer with your normal account (i.e. not admin) as everything is in draft state.
    * You'll have to generate a filemap.xml file for SDL Content Importer to use.

  • Hi Ari,
    Perhaps the following would work:

    1. Select you publication version in the web UI, click Reports.
    2. Click Show Report.
    3. Click Export Publication.
    4. Retrieve the Zip archive with the files from FTP server (or whatever setup you have).
    5. Extract the files and edit them as you like locally.
    6. Import the files back with SDL Content Importer.

    ...ideally between 5 and 6, run a diff of the before / after directories of the files to verify you got the result you expected.

    Assumptions: no one else is working on this content meanwhile, everything is in Source Draft state.

    Other notes:
    * You should be able to import the files with SDL Content Importer with your normal account (i.e. not admin) as everything is in draft state.
    * You'll have to generate a filemap.xml file for SDL Content Importer to use.
