API for accessing publishing status and start and end of publishing

Hi Developers,


Is there any API available to checking the status of all publishing objects in Knowledge Center 2016 web client?




  • Dear Roopesh,

    Yes, such API is available. You can access these properties through any PublicationOutput method which allows specifying the metadata properties to be returned.

    So you could for instance use the following API calls:
    - PublicationOutput 2.5 GetMetaData
    - PublicationOutput 2.5 GetMetaDataByIshLngRef

    More information about this methods can be found at the following location in the documentation portal:

    Within these methods you have access to the psXMLRequestedMetaData argument
    The requestedMetadataXML argument should contain the following fields:
    - FISHPUBSTATUS => Field located on the language level of the publication object which holds the status of the publication output in question.
    - FISHPUBSTARTDATE => Field located on the language level of the publication object which holds the start date of the publishing request in question.
    - FISHPUBENDDATE => Field located on the language level of the publication object which holds the end date of the publishing request in question (do keep in mind that this is empty during the publishing itself).

    example of such psXMLRequestedMetaData argument:

    <ishfield name='FISHPUBSTATUS' level='lng' />
    <ishfield name='FISHPUBSTARTDATE' level='lng' />
    <ishfield name='FISHPUBENDDATE' level='lng' />

    I hope this helps.
    Kind Regards,
