Failed to Download Publication Output Data

Hi Everyone!

I've been trying to download Publication Output Data using ISHRemote however I am getting this error:

The security timestamp is stale because its expiration time ('2017-08-22T01:41:24.969Z') is in the past. Current time is '2017-08-22T01:49:08.658Z' and allowed clock skew is '00:05:00'.

Could you explain me this error? and the solution that I need to make.




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  • Hi Nikku,
    I had experience with this issue in the past and when WCF mentions skew, then it's about time differences between the stamp on each soap payload and actual times.

    Since you said you align the times, then I don't know further. Still I would ask you to look deeper into this and pursue this angle further because every time I saw this message it was about misaligned computer times and SOAP/WCF is by default very strict on this. So here are a couple of remarks from my experience.

    Be aware that although you can set manually the time on your os, it can get very silently changed very fast. I actually had this issue during 2009 for a different employer and our time servers were not functioning well. To further prove this, you can use fiddler and check the timestamps on each SOAP payload. You should see the stamps similar to your error message.

    Changing the skew setting requires specific code modifications on the binding. You can in practice make the window (skewtime) longer than 5 minutes. But for ISHRemote there is no config file and no code path for this. On the other hand, if you open client tools config files and search for "Skew" you will probably notice the attributes. Try to experiment with them to prove your time misalignment.

  • Hi Alex,

    I was able to resolve the issue by reducing the chunk size to be downloaded (PublicationOutput25.GetNextDataObjectChunkByIshLngRef)
    I've seen in ISHRemote (IshSession.cs -> _chunkSize) that it was set to 10485760, when I tried to reduce it by half it works fine.

    I think it was because of my slow internet connection that it wasn't able to download the data.

    Thank you Alex!
  • Great news.

    If possible, can you send me a fiddler capture both with the error and without?
    I'm curious to see how it affects the stamps.

    you can reach out to me on