I am trying to get all baseline information from SDL. Below is the portion my API call
string authContext = this.authContext;
string requestedMeta = "", filterMeta = "", receivedMeta = "";
requestedMeta =
"<ishfields>" +
"<ishfield name=\"FISHBASELINEACTIVE\" level=\"none\"/>" +
"<ishfield name=\"FISHLABELRELEASED\" level=\"none\"/>" +
"<ishfield name=\"FISHDOCUMENTRELEASE\" level=\"none\"/>" +
InfoShareBaseline25.BaseLine25 baseObj = new InfoShareBaseline25.BaseLine25();
baseObj.Url = endpoint + "/Baseline25.asmx";
baseObj.GetList(ref authContext, filterMeta, requestedMeta, ref receivedMeta);
I am getting response with all the baseline information details in SDL. My question is how to get the response with last 2 days baseline IDs? Is there any way add date filter in the API call?