How to Access Publication Meta Data in Reach using XSL


I'm wondering how can i access the metadata of a publication in Reach using XSL (e.g. when working with html_custom).




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  • Hi Nikku,

    It appears that you may have encountered an issue in the version of Reach (Content Delivery) that you are using. Can you please open a support ticket and include the details and the version of Content Delivery that you see in Reach->Manage Application->System Status.

    The good news is that there is a relatively simple alternative solution.

    The publication/language property data is stored in the underlying Content Delivery database in the path /db/LiveContent/publications/languages/<publication id>/<language code>.xml. Within this file, the fields are stored as <configitem name="<field name>" value="<field value>"/>

    You can read this file into your XSL and then extract values from it. For example:

    <xsl:param name="pub.meta.path" select="concat('/db/LiveContent/publications/languages/', $, '/', $pub.lang, '.xml')"/>

    Then for each value that you need:

    <xsl:param name="my.meta" select="doc($pub.meta.path)//configitem[@name='my.meta']/@value"/>

    Here I'm extracting the value for the field "my.meta".

    Hope this helps,


    Steve Layland | Senior Consultant | SDL

  • Hi Steve,

    Thank you. It worked!
    I've already reported it to my team and they will be opening a ticket for it.
