Downloading a PDF with API or Powershell


Is there a way to download a published PDF using the version 25 APIs or the ISHRemote PowerShell library?

  • I have tried the example with Get-IshPublicationOutputData but get the following error. I am limiting the loop to 2, so there is not a large amount of data being crunched by the server.

    Get-IshPublicationOutputData : There is no title available.
    At C:\SDL\PowerShellScripts\GetFolderContents\Untitled2.ps1:20 char:40
    + ... onOutputs | Get-IshPublicationOutputData -IshSession $ishSession -Fol ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-IshPublicationOutputData], ArgumentException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : GetIshPublicationOutputData,Trisoft.ISHRemote.Cmdlets.PublicationOutput.GetIshPublicatio
  • I have tried the example with Get-IshPublicationOutputData but get the following error. I am limiting the loop to 2, so there is not a large amount of data being crunched by the server.

    Get-IshPublicationOutputData : There is no title available.
    At C:\SDL\PowerShellScripts\GetFolderContents\Untitled2.ps1:20 char:40
    + ... onOutputs | Get-IshPublicationOutputData -IshSession $ishSession -Fol ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-IshPublicationOutputData], ArgumentException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : GetIshPublicationOutputData,Trisoft.ISHRemote.Cmdlets.PublicationOutput.GetIshPublicatio
No Data