I'm trying to get all the publications that has a reference for a specific baseline using the Web API.
I've tried the PublicationOutput25.UsingBaseline, but this returns the publication in which the baseline is originally defined.
My case is, i've created a publication which has maps and topics, this intended to be reused in other publications. However, when i update this publication and created a new version, a new baseline will be created. So i want to update all the publications using the old baseline by the new one.
I somehow resolved the issue by creating a topic for each publications that contains which baselines are being used. Then, i used the Search API to search for it, autocomplete the publication and update the old baseline.
My problem is that, baselines can be easily renamed by anyone and this can be troublesome and make everything inconsistent since the topic which holds the baseline references will not be updated.
So i am thinking if its possible to get all the publications that is referencing a baseline.