I'm trying to create a customized utility that will do a find and replace in the CMS.
So, i used fiddler to sniff on the requests that publication manager is doing and try it on my prototype.
Everything is working great until the part where i will create a new version of a topic,
It returns this error: [-206] The processing-instruction contains invalid information: version 4. [206;InvalidProcessingInstruction]
Here is the signature of the API:
public CreateRequest(long folderRef, string ishType, string logicalId, string version, string language, string resolution, string xmlMetadata, string edt, byte[] data);
Here are the values that i passed:
> FolderRef = -1 (Since i'm just creating a new version of the topic)
> IshType = ISHModule
> LogicalId = GUID-55DAB7FB-26E8-422C-82F6-AC439AEF46F6
> Version = 4 (According to the documentation i can pass "NEW", but i'm still getting the same error)
> Language = VLANGUAGEEN
> Resolution = "" (blank)
> Edt = EDTXML
> data = The byte repesentation of the data
> XMLMetaData =
<ishfield name="FTITLE" level="logical">FindReplace1</ishfield>
<ishfield name="FMODULETYPE" level="logical" ishvaluetype="element">VMODULETYPETOPIC</ishfield>
<ishfield name="FDESCRIPTION" level="logical" />
<ishfield name="FNOTRANSLATIONMGMT" level="logical">No</ishfield>
<ishfield name="FREQUESTEDLANGUAGES" level="logical" ishvaluetype="element" />
<ishfield name="FCHANGES" level="version">Test</ishfield>
<ishfield name="FISHRELEASECANDIDATE" level="version" ishvaluetype="element" />
<ishfield name="DOC-LANGUAGE" level="lng">en-US</ishfield>
<ishfield name="FSTATUS" level="lng" ishvaluetype="element">VSTATUSTOBETRANSLATED</ishfield>
<ishfield name="FAUTHOR" level="lng" ishvaluetype="element">VUSERMYNAME</ishfield>
<ishfield name="FREVIEWER" level="lng" ishvaluetype="element" />
<ishfield name="FTRANSLATOR" level="lng" ishvaluetype="element" />
<ishfield name="FCOMMENTS" level="lng" />
<ishfield name="FATMELBTCOMMENT" level="lng" />
<ishfield name="FATMELMODULE" level="version" ishvaluetype="element" />
<ishfield name="FATMELSRCREV" level="version" />
I've already read the documentation about this error and it somehow does not help me.