We are using Oxygen XML Author for authoring DITA topics/maps. Oxygen has DITA Map Completeness Check function and this is very helpful for a DITA author. I developed a special stylesheet so that we can get file system based DITA file set from SDL Content Manager. However, DITA DTD for SDL Content Manager is specialized to realize Variable and Condition. Due to this, when executing DITA Map Completeness Check for the DITA file set, it reports many error regarding varref, varid, and ishcondition attributes.
So, my question is what should I do to use the specialized DTD when verifying local DITA file set.
I found that the specialized DTD is in the following folder:
C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\SDL\InfoShare Client\xxxxxxxxxx\Config\DocTypes\dita-oasis
I think to use this specialized DTD, Document Type Association should be modified. But I don't know how Authoring Bridge manage the Document Type Association and how to associate specialized DTD for exported DITA file set.
I appreciate any suggestion and comment on this.
Best regards,