Hi All,
We're using SDL Tridion Docs 14 with DITA 1.2 content but now we're trying to "upgrade" our docs to 1.3 and we're having problems getting 1.3 documents into the CMS as the CMS does not recognise DITA 1.3 content so it rejects them uploading.
Said CMS is the OOTB version of Tridion Docs, before we add any modification we would like to make sure that it can work with DITA 1.3, so the used DITA Open Toolkit is the one that already comes with the system and no changes were made to the catalogs.
The problem we are facing is that somehow the CMS doesn't recognise DITA 1.3 tags like "<div>" therefore we cannot upload any 1.3 stuff to the CMS. It looks like DITA 1.2 gets precedence somehow over 1.3 even though the referenced catalogs in the catalog.xml file are in the correct order(1.3 is in the first <nextCatalog> which is the first tag) I could send you the catalog files if needed.
By deleting 1.2 from dita-oasis we can upload 1.3 but then we cannot publish anything as it cannot process stuff like 'ishlabelxpath-general-default'.
I'm receiving this error message during Saved Status Report action:
ISHModule GUID-F5D7BC3C-A832-404E-950D-EB5D89859736 ISHModule: "GUID-F5D7BC3C-A832-404E-950D-EB5D89859736=1=en-US
[lngref: 2790062title: "Goulash Suppe"status: "In Work"]
parserror -110 The element 'prereq' has invalid child element 'div'.
List of possible elements expected: 'dl parml fig syntaxdiagram imagemap image lines lq
note hazardstatement object ol p pre codeblock msgblock screen simpletable sl table ul
boolean cite keyword apiname option parmname cmdname msgnum varname wintitle ph b i sup
sub tt u codeph synph filepath msgph systemoutput userinput menucascade uicontrol q term
abbreviated-form tm xref state data data-about foreign unknown sectiondiv draft-comment fn
indextermref indexterm required-cleanup'. (line:9 linepos:14) ```
Could you please provide some help with this?