How to get XML Write Plugin to update XML without check out and check in?

My use case is this: As an author, I want to update the metadata of a Tridion Docs Object (e.g., a DITA bookmap) via the Properties menu in Tridion Docs. The update should then be written in the object XML (e.g., a DITA bookmap metadata element).

Following the RWS documentation here, I have a plugin to do this, but I can only get the Properties update to reflect in the Object XML if I check out and check in the object after making the Properties update.

The process I follow is below:

  1. Update the object Properties
  2. Check out the object
  3. Check in the object
  4. Open the object in an XML editor to see the change has been made.

The ideal process would be:

  1. Update the object Properties
  2. Open the object in an XML editor to see the change has been made.

Is it possible to achieve my "ideal" process? I would assume if the CurrenAction condition is set to 'Update', it would, but I can only get the XML to reflect the Properties update if the CurrentAction includes 'Checkin'.
