Changing text label out-of-the-box ribbon groups on Create toolbar

I am trying to change the text for an out-of-the-box ribbon group on the Create toolbar with no success. Ideally, my client would prefer to eliminate it. It appears the label attribute is ignored in the overlay config whether set to a space (label=" ") or a value. When I examine it with the developer tools in the browser, there is a conditional div tag to show the out-of-the-box:

   <div if="!label" class="ribbon-group-title">Formatting & Structure</div>

Here is the config:

<x:overlay xmlns="">

   <ribbon-group id="StructureGroup" label="My Group" />



<x:overlay xmlns="">

   <ribbon-group id="StructureGroup" label=" " />


Is it possible to do this? I know for changing or blanking the text on a button you recommended hiding the default button and adding it back as a custom button with the same command and the label set. To take that same approach would require removing an entire ribbon group and rebuilding it. It is doable. From a testing standpoint, that increases testing significantly because now out-of-the-box functionality must be tested to make sure the out-of-the-box functionality was attached to the custom button. Really the same issue goes for changing the text on the button. Normally this change could be easily verified by opening a document in the editor. Each button would have to be tested. Can you please keep this in mind for the next release?

Thanks in advance!