How to set new ISHUser password via ISHRemote


I am testing the creation of new ISHUser via ISHRemote.

I have set the FISHUSERLANGUAGE, FUSERGROUP, FISHUSERROLES and am trying to set the password after calling a strong password generator function.

Are there constraints around what state the password needs to be in? Does it have to be encrypted etc. before sending vua Add-IshUser cmdlet?

Sample code below

$password = New-RandomPassword -MinimumPasswordLength 8 -MaximumPasswordLength 15 -NumberOfAlphaNumericCharacters 6 -ConvertToSecureString

$updatedMetadata = Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name FISHUSERLANGUAGE -Level None -ValueType Element -Value "VLANGUAGEEN" |
Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name FUSERGROUP -Level None -ValueType Element -Value "VUSERGROUP1 |
Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name FISHUSERROLES -Level None -ValueType Element -Value "VUSERROLEAUTHOR, VUSERROLEPUBLISHER" |
Set-IshMetadataField -IshSession $ishSession -Name PASSWORD -Level None -Value $password

$ishObject = Add-IshUser -Name "NewUserName" -Metadata $updatedMetadata

Any advice appreciated,



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