How to identify the file uploading is completed using Set-IshDocumentObj?


I am automating a step to upload the document using the below script. I wanted to know that how my code identify that the result of Set-IshDocumentObj is success or failed. Is there any way to check the status of this activity?


-IshSession $ishSession `
-LogicalId $logicalId `
-Version $version `
-Lng $lang `
-Metadata (Set-IshMetadataField -Name "FSTATUS" `
-Level Lng `
-ValueType "Element" `
-FilePath $filePath |Out-File -FilePath $TestPath

Parents Reply Children
  • My Scneario is given below,

    • we loop over e.g. 100 localized topics, 1 script execution (the below script)  = 1 topic upload
      • Set-IshDocumentObj

        -IshSession $ishSession `
        -LogicalId $logicalId `
        -Version $version `
        -Lng $lang `
        -Metadata (Set-IshMetadataField -Name "FSTATUS" `
        -Level Lng `
        -ValueType "Element" `
        -FilePath $filePath |Out-File -FilePath $TestPath

    • we then request an output for the publication and language containing the localized topics
    • the output succeeds but some topics are still in EN


    If Set-IshDocumentObj is really synchronous, why do some topics remain in their original (EN) version?

    What can we do in the single-upload script to ensire completion of the upload?

  • If Set-IshDocumentObj is really synchronous, why do some topics remain in their original (EN) version?

    Could you consider another way of validating the uploaded content besides publishing. So was it indeed uploaded by using

    1. Organize Space / Web Client user interface to navigate to the object and check, a preview and properties?
    2. Do a Get-IshDocumentObj(Data) cmdlet right after the Set-IshDocumentObj?

    You validated with a publishing, where there are more parameters at play. So let's cut the problem in two and check if the uploaded content is really there. Directly and not over an asynchronous publish action.

