Need to verify if this is the query to bring back maps that have been modified in last 7 days.
I have tried the following without any results and I know I have modified maps within the last 7 days.
Here are two different query statements I have tried passing into the performSearch method..
- <ishquery><and><ishfield name="FISHLASTMODIFIEDON" level="lng" ishoperator="greaterthanorequal">18/10/2015</ishfield></and><ishobjectfilters><ishtypefilter>ISHMasterDoc</ishtypefilter></ishobjectfilters></ishquery
- <ishquery><and><ishfield name="MODIFIED-ON" level="logical" ishoperator="greaterthanorequal">18/10/2015</ishfield></and><ishobjectfilters><ishtypefilter>ISHMasterDoc</ishtypefilter></ishobjectfilters></ishquery>
If I substiture ISHModule for ISHMasterDoc it does bring back topics.
Any suggestions?