Issue with publishing pubs with imported non-specialized topics and map via Oxygen Publishing Engine plugin. Tridion Docs 15.1

Tridion Docs 15.1

Oxygen Publishing Engine

Transtype: pdf-css-html5

I've been working with Oxygen's Publishing Engine in Tridion Docs. I have been able to publish the test content that comes with Tridion Docs (Safety Recall 2008 Sport 2...) to PDF (transtype pdf-css-html5). I imported some of our test content; a simple map with 3 topics, 2 pngs, and an svg. All imported no issue. However when I publish to transtype pdf-css-html5, the publish fails. (The test content publishes successfully when using transtype ishpdf.)

I get the following error in the dita-ot log:

 [gen-list] [DOTJ037W][WARN] The XML schema and DTD validation function of the parser is turned off. Please make sure the input is normalized DITA with class attributes included, otherwise it will not be processed correctly.
 [gen-list] Using Xerces grammar pool for DTD and schema caching.
 [gen-list] Processing file:/C:/InfoShare/Data/Publish/Data/4s1plusanpr/work/1/en/GUID-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.ditamap
 [gen-list] Processing file:/C:/InfoShare/Data/Publish/Data/4s1plusanpr/work/1/en/GUID-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.xml
Error: Failed to run pipeline: The entity -//SDL//DTD DITA Topic//EN / file:///C:/InfoShare/Web/Author/ASP/DocTypes/dita-sdl/1.3/dtd/technicalContent/dtd/sdlTopic.dtd cannot not be resolved through catalogs. For security reasons files that are not listed in the DITA-OT catalogs and are not located in the DITA-OT directory are not read. You can disable this restriction by setting "" in the command line or the Oxygen transformation configuration dialog, the "Advanced" tab, in the "JVM Arguments" text field. Make sure all the input files come from a trusted source.

The path to the dtd is correct. I've added the files at InfoShare/Web/Author/ASP/DocTypes/dita-sdl/1.3/dtd into a base plugin including the catalog, using an extension point. I reran dita --install to pick up them up and still getting the same issue.
What am I missing? Any pointers appreciated in resolving this.

the topic
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//SDL//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd"[]> <!-- Original file name: slide001.dita --><topic id="GUID-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" xml:lang="en"> <title id="GUID-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx">Front Cover</title> <body> <fig> <image href="GUID-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" alt="" format="svg" /> </fig> </body> </topic>