The online documentation states that ALT+CLICK can be executed on an inserted external hyperlink in Create to launch the website in another window to ensure the URL was correct. When we try this in Chrome or IE11, nothing happens. The cursor doesn't change to indicate it is a hyperlink to be clicked on when ALT is pressed and the hyperlink is hovered over with the mouse. The cursor remains an I beam. No popups being blocked. Nothing appears to be showing on the console. The hyperlink does work in Architect Preview. The Cross Reference's Scope property is set to "External" and the Hyperlink property is set to the correct URL. Is there anything else we need to do in order to get this to work? We are doing this in an out of the box installation to rule out any Create customizations. We are running on LiveContent 2014. Below is the generated html from the developer's tools. The example test was
<span class="xref ~a8" id="+a8*c22[a0*b10[a0*]b12]c4592c4611[a3*b10[a0*]b13[a3*]b12]c1038c1057[a5*b10[a0*]b13[a3*]b13[a5*]b12]c4732[a7*b10[a0*]b13[a3*]b13[a5*]b13[a7*]b12]c4769[+a8*b10[a0*]b13[a3*]b13[a5*]b13[a7*]b13[a8*]b67]c2188c2200|x0" xopus_xmlid="a8">
<span class="xopus-link ~a8" id="+a8*c22[a0*b10[a0*]b12]c4592c4611[a3*b10[a0*]b13[a3*]b12]c1038c1057[a5*b10[a0*]b13[a3*]b13[a5*]b12]c4732[a7*b10[a0*]b13[a3*]b13[a5*]b13[a7*]b12]c4769[+a8*b10[a0*]b13[a3*]b13[a5*]b13[a7*]b13[a8*]b67]c2188c2209|x0" xopus_xmlid="a8">
<textNode id="a8#*c22[a0*b10[a0*]b12]c4592c4611[a3*b10[a0*]b13[a3*]b12]c1038c1057[a5*b10[a0*]b13[a3*]b13[a5*]b12]c4732[a7*b10[a0*]b13[a3*]b13[a5*]b13[a7*]b12]c4769[+a8*b10[a0*]b13[a3*]b13[a5*]b13[a7*]b13[a8*]b67]c2188c2210[a8#*b10[a0*]b13[a3*]b13[a5*]b13[a7*]b13[a8*]b68[a8#*]b12]c24|x0" xopus_xmlid="a8#" class="~a8# x-tn" style="">Google</textNode>