I want to update the FISHPUBCONTEXT element of an existing publication object. When i pass in this to the SetMetaData method in the API
<ishfield name="FISHPUBCONTEXT" level="version">
<feature name="featureA" value="aaa" />
<feature name="featureA" value="bbb" />
<feature name="featureA" value="ccc" />
<feature name="featureA" value="ddd" />
and then do a GetMetaData method call I get an empty value.
<ishobject ishversionref="341111" ishlogicalref="340867" ishref="GUID-79E18F3E-5299-405E-9D6D-C82E2A2D092C" ishtype="ISHPublication">
<ishfields><ishfield name="FISHPUBCONTEXT" level="version">
How can I set the FISHPUBCONTEXT of a publication object through the API?