How to add a reference to a specialized topic in XMetaL 9?

I am running into an odd error while trying to add a topic reference to a map in XMetal, I am able to do so without issue in Publication manager. the error I receive is "Please select or create a DITA topic file"

  • Hi Akheil - I'm afraid there is little information here... can you explain more elaborately what you do, what your end result was and what you expected it to be?
  • Hi Dave,
    I created a new DTD by specializing concept, validated it in XMetal 9.0. Installed the new DTDs in SDL LiveContent & in LiveContent Reach 2014 SP2. Created a system template in SDL for this new specialization. I am able to reference this topic in a Map and publish to Reach successfully. The only issue I ran into with this new specialization is when I Open a Map in XMetal and try to add this topic type as a topic reference. I tried the following to further troubleshoot the issue.
    1) Open XMetal
    2) Select Tools --> Select Specialized DTD --> specified the DTDs
    3) Open a Map on my local workstation.
    4) Select the Map in the Resource Manager, followed by Insert --> Topic Reference.
    5) Under the General Tab, select the Browse button under Href.
    6) Browsed to the specialized topic on the local workstation and received an error.
    "Please select or create a DITA Topic File."
    Note: If I select any other specialized topics on the local workstation, the folder path gets populated in the Href textbox, without any errors.