Idea Delivered

This was treated as an issue, fixed and delivered in XPP 9.4.1 and has also been rolled into XPP 9.6.

Create a 'true' Last Modified column in Pathfinder

In Pathfinder, The Last Modified column displays the last time a file was opened, not modified. This is misleading, when you would like to know when a file was actually modified.

The reason for this behavior is, since the division is actually a Windows folder, its modified date changes when the enclosed file 'job.worklog' is updated (by opening the file). If it were not for that job.worklog file, the division folder date would remain unchanged until the division was actually stored.

I'd like to see the name of the 'Last Modified' column changed to 'Last Opened', then find a way to create a true Last Modified column.


  • I do agree that the description "last modified" does not cover what is shown and that "Last Opened" is a better title for that column.

    Just want to point out that a lot more files might get created and deleted again when you just open up and close or abandon a division. After all when you open up a division you are creating a new session that then gets thrown away when you close or abandon the division. 

    I guess that SDL engineering will have to teach pathfinder to look at the datestamp of the correct file in stead of looking at the last modified date of the folder. And that might then again slow down the display of the list of divisions when there are a lot of them in a job (a bit like listing the divisions with the divisions page count).

    So if this ever gets implemented, I would prefer to see it like an optional things that you can switch on when you really want to see the last modified date, just like divisions page counts is.

  • I do agree that the description "last modified" does not cover what is shown and that "Last Opened" is a better title for that column.

    Just want to point out that a lot more files might get created and deleted again when you just open up and close or abandon a division. After all when you open up a division you are creating a new session that then gets thrown away when you close or abandon the division. 

    I guess that SDL engineering will have to teach pathfinder to look at the datestamp of the correct file in stead of looking at the last modified date of the folder. And that might then again slow down the display of the list of divisions when there are a lot of them in a job (a bit like listing the divisions with the divisions page count).

    So if this ever gets implemented, I would prefer to see it like an optional things that you can switch on when you really want to see the last modified date, just like divisions page counts is.

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