Under Community Review

Direct to PDF: to meet final output requirement we need to be able to select what type of PDF will be created (PDF/A, PDF/X,...)

When we need to create a PDF for final output, many of us need to target a very specific PDF output format (like PDF/X or PDF/A) in order to adhere to standards imposed by the receiving party (like a web or offset printer or website).
In order to make the Direct to PDF feature usable for final output, we need to be be able to specify what exact PDF output format should be created. 

  • Although they may share some requirements, each PDF/A is unique and they are not backwards compatible. We would like to better understand the specific use cases and PDF types that our customers are being asked to produce. We're requesting that information be added here by those sites who have voted for this IDEA. Please be specific in relaying the use cases you've encountered, trends you're seeing, frequency of requests from your customers, importance to your production workflow. If you would prefer to discuss, please contact me directly and I'll be happy to set up a call. Thank you!

  • Although they may share some requirements, each PDF/A is unique and they are not backwards compatible. We would like to better understand the specific use cases and PDF types that our customers are being asked to produce. We're requesting that information be added here by those sites who have voted for this IDEA. Please be specific in relaying the use cases you've encountered, trends you're seeing, frequency of requests from your customers, importance to your production workflow. If you would prefer to discuss, please contact me directly and I'll be happy to set up a call. Thank you!

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