Under Community Review

Modifying the XSLT by clicking from the XPP Editor window similar to “Mod This Rule” in accessing various specs

“Mod This Rule” is a menu option that will navigate to the particular style under the respective specification.

When we want to update the formatting of the particular paragraph style in a single click (without using multiple navigations), we have to place the cursor on the style name and click “Mod This Rule” under Command Keys as in Picture 1.1.  As this style is defined in the Item Format specification, this will directly navigate to that place as in Picture 1.2. This is the existing feature already available in XPP, similar to that we suggest to implement the same to navigate to the third party tool XSLT, see Picture 1.3 and Picture 1.4.

Picture 1.1

Screenshot of XPP Ideas Line Editor with cursor on 'categoryhead3' style, 'Mod This Rule' option highlighted in Command Keys menu.

Screenshot of XPP Ideas Item Format specification window showing settings for 'categoryhead3_cont' style with a rule comment highlighted.

Screenshot of XPP Ideas Line Editor with 'Mod This Rule' option highlighted, indicating navigation to the 'categoryhead3' style in the Item Format specification.

Screenshot of XSLT code in a text editor with 'BegcontHeads_c3.xsl' comment highlighted, suggesting navigation to this third-party tool.

  • Denise,

    I guess you are assuming that there is only 1 XSLT transformation table in play.
    In most cases there are several transformation tables in play which potentially could all affect the selected context in xpp.
    Or what about an XSLT that renames the incoming element into something else before it enters xpp.

    My guess is that in most cases it is impossible to implement this.

    (in the case of the IF spec it is possible because there is only 1 IF file that comes into play and there is only 1 rule that affects the current context)

    Sorry but I have voted against this idea.