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1. Provide a Ger-> British English language pair, 2. Allow Studio AutoCorrect settings to apply to LWE NMT suggestions in Studio

1. It would be very helpful if there was a purely British English language pair for German -> English in Language Weaver Edge. At the moment, the German -> English language pair produces a mixture of British English and American English, even though our own training material is 100 % British English, resulting in a significant post-editing effort for our translators who have to stick to one variety (British English).

2. Until a German -> British English language pair is provided, we would like to mitigate this post-editing effort by applying AutoCorrect settings in Studio to LWE NMT suggestions (e.g. -ize -> -ise, -ized -> -ised etc). It would be desirable for AutoCorrect settings in Studio to apply to LWE NMT suggestions, when a LWE NMT suggestion appears in a segment in Studio.

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