Under Community Review

Add ability for pretranslation to carry segment status from the TM

Currently, TE does not carry the current status of a segment in a TM to a project. If there is a TM match it is only marked as translated, even if the status in the TM is translation approved or signed off. This creates a situation where it is unclear what segments were previously approved or signed off in the past and is creating extra work and increased costs for linguists in a review step.

  • Use the ability to lock CM and 100% matches to signal translators to not adapt these translations - that's if you are sure that they don't need any further review. 

  • Due to some segmentation issues that occur, we do not want to lock CM and 100% as the segmentation may be inaccurate. It is odd that the TM would maintain these statuses, but not leverage them in a project. Additionally, if you lock a CM or 100% match, it is then marked as "translated" in the new project. What happens with the TM update? Does it now change that segment to just "translated" in the TM?

  • Due to some segmentation issues that occur, we do not want to lock CM and 100% as the segmentation may be inaccurate. It is odd that the TM would maintain these statuses, but not leverage them in a project. Additionally, if you lock a CM or 100% match, it is then marked as "translated" in the new project. What happens with the TM update? Does it now change that segment to just "translated" in the TM?

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