Idea Delivered

Add ability to duplicate/copy report workspaces

We'd like to be able to duplicate/copy a workspace so we do not have to fully recreate the workspace when building off the same foundation for a new report.

  • Hi Russell, the new Custom Reporting module which is now available provides much more flexibility relating to copying/cloning, both for visuals that are created within an analysis but also for analyses in their entirety.

    For the specific requirement you raise here, you would open the existing analysis to be used as a foundation and then choose "Save As Analysis" from the File menu. At this point, you can specific a name for the new analysis to be created.



  • Hi Russell, the new Custom Reporting module which is now available provides much more flexibility relating to copying/cloning, both for visuals that are created within an analysis but also for analyses in their entirety.

    For the specific requirement you raise here, you would open the existing analysis to be used as a foundation and then choose "Save As Analysis" from the File menu. At this point, you can specific a name for the new analysis to be created.



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