Accepted, Not Yet Planned

Add ability to see details for deleted (canceled) projects

In WorldServer, if a project was canceled, we could still open and see details of the project and any information logged as to why it was canceled. In TE, once a project is deleted, it is like it never existed, except if you run a report to see deleted projects. You cannot open the project to see any details. Since canceling a project does not exist in TE, our assumption would be that delete would work the same way.

  • Any updates on this? This is an important feature we lost from WorldServer. We had a major issue recently where support deleted projects that had work completed from TE which now causes our reporting to have incomplete data. Including deleted projects is not an option as there are many deleted projects that were correctly deleted. If the project was able to be canceled instead of deleted, we would likely would not have had this issue.

  • Any updates on this? This is an important feature we lost from WorldServer. We had a major issue recently where support deleted projects that had work completed from TE which now causes our reporting to have incomplete data. Including deleted projects is not an option as there are many deleted projects that were correctly deleted. If the project was able to be canceled instead of deleted, we would likely would not have had this issue.

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