Not Considering

Copy All Source to Target - does not copy all source to target

I want to use the Copy All Source to Target feature in Online Editor - but it does not do what it says. Is the following an intentional behaviour or a bug:

1. Click Select All in Online Editor

2. Click Copy All Source to Target

3. Outcome - only segments with no TM matches are replaced with English source, while segments with 100% matches AND the active segment if the cursor is placed in a segment remain pre-filled with TM matches.

In order to replace all segments - one has to go to the individual segments with TM matches one by one and click on Copy Source to Target for each segment which hasn't been processed as expected.

The equivalent process in Trados Studio overwrites all segments so this behaviour was unexpected.

  • Hi Luis, thanks for your reply. I think our scenario is quite niche but the behaviour of this feature surprised me. This is used when we adapt US English to British English and we need to copy all source to target to prepare the content for proofreading. Perhaps it was always like this and I never noticed until we moved to Trados Enterprise and the config has changed resulting in TM entries being leveraged. I think we will come up with an alternative workaround for our scenario.

  • Hi Alicja, this is by design and behaves like in Studio. What's the use case of replacing everything that is locked or 100% matches?