Planned for Future Release

Don't preset date and time when creating a new project in customer portal

It would be more useful if there would be no date and time preset when creating a new project in the customer portal. Customers tend to accept the preset date/time without double checking. As proejct manager you don't know if the time is binding. 

  • Hi Iris,

    This is an improvement we have planned for a future release.

    We plan to go a step further than your suggestion here. In addition to having the option to leave the Project Due Date field empty (but still mandatory), you will also be able to modify the way the default due date is calculated. Right now, the Project Due Date defaults to 7 days in advance, but with the planned improvements, you will be able to set this to a configurable number of days or leave the field empty if you prefer.



  • Hi Iris,

    This is an improvement we have planned for a future release.

    We plan to go a step further than your suggestion here. In addition to having the option to leave the Project Due Date field empty (but still mandatory), you will also be able to modify the way the default due date is calculated. Right now, the Project Due Date defaults to 7 days in advance, but with the planned improvements, you will be able to set this to a configurable number of days or leave the field empty if you prefer.


