Under Community Review

Enabling the admin to delete or edit vendor quotes in TE

Currently, it's impossible to delete or edit entirely a vendor quote generate by mistake, in double, etc. by the system. Whatever the reason, the admin should be able to delete or edit the entire vendor quote.

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  • The bugs and the limitations of TE system are things that we are facing for several weeks now. I've been submitting quite a few tickets to RWS Support. I'm struggling to have RWS delete the wrong vendor quotes from our tenant :-(. They are saying that they can't delete because of ISO certification or because it's the normal behaviour from Trados Enterprise. In the meantime, on our end, we have vendors sending us invoices based on wrong vendor quotes and we have reports showing wrong data... It's very annoying.

  • Hi Carla,

    I'm aware of the topic of deleting incorrect historic quotes not cause by software issues, we can't do that indeed for compliance and ISO certfication reasons.
    If this is caused by ongoing software bugs (which I'm not aware of), then for sure we want to fix them. So far my understanding was that a pricing model had been incorrectly specified due to human error, not due a software bug.

    If this is not correct and there is an ongoing bug, please send me the details at luis.lopes@rws.com so I can look into it.
