Under Community Review

Make reference materials retrievable in the online editor

We'd like it to be clear and easy for a linguist to see that there are reference materials available while in the online editor.

  • The reason we haven't done this yet, is because reference files are project and not language/file specific currently (which is another topic we have on our list).

    So this could result in hundreds of reference files depending on the project.

    Would you still think this suggestion is helpful, independent of the issue outlined above? If so, we can look into it.

  • For our team, I don't see a significant risk. I have not seen a project where we've had more than a few reference files. We regularly run into issues though where the reference files are not viewed. The clearer we can make it to linguists that they exist, the better.

Comment Children
  • Thanks Russell, understood. And these reference files in which format are they? And what kind of content are they?

    The reasons I ask are:
    1) For repeatable Styleguides etc. we are thinking of adding a "wiki" type space in the UI where we would link to

    2) For files that can be rendered in the browser, such as PDF, we could open them in a browser tab in a link directly, rather than download them and then open them

    So curious to understand what kind of files these typically are.
    Making them avaiable for download would be the shortest route from a R&D perspective, but not sure if the most elegant longterm.

  • Having global linguistic assets, such as style guides, easily accessible would be nice as well. A wiki space sounds like it may be a good place.

    Typically we have PDF or images as reference files. Just making it more clear they exist within the Online Editor would be great.