Under Community Review

Remove project name from dropdown list on costs tab

Just recently you included the project name in the dropwdown list on the costs tab. From our point of you this is unnecessary. Since the project name is the same for any option you choose from this list, why should it be part of the information here? Especially since it starts with the project name it is harder than before to find the vendor you are looking for. If possible and other users also think it is user unfriendly, please undo this change. 

Screenshot of Trados Enterprise showing a dropdown list under the 'Costs' tab with project names preceding vendor options, making it difficult to find a specific vendor.

  • Interestingly, we just added the project name back, as we had complaints about it from other customers. If you look at it from the Vendor perspective, not having the Project Name, makes it impossible to know which Project the Quote belongs too, as it would only be named according to the task name.

  • Interestingly, we just added the project name back, as we had complaints about it from other customers. If you look at it from the Vendor perspective, not having the Project Name, makes it impossible to know which Project the Quote belongs too, as it would only be named according to the task name.
