Accepted, Not Yet Planned

Skip Review implementation step if reviewer had no changes at Review step

Currently the linguists receive the Review Implementation task even if the reviewer had no changes to suggest. This can be frustrating as the linguist has to check the project even if there is nothing to do.

Is it possible for the project to skip the Review implementation step in the workflow if the Review is completed without any changes?

  • I recently started working as a translator on TE projects and now I regularly get requests to "Implement CR comments and TQA" where noch such comments/edits have actually been added to the reviewed file. This is ineffective and frustrating. If a reviewer finishes the review of a file and suggests no changes, then he/she should be able to bypass the implementation step and kick the task straight to the next phase.       

  • Understood, thanks Alicja. 

    Two comments:
    1. This is already possible by developing a custom workflow tasks that could automate this, but would obviously cost money to develop. But if important may be worth looking into.
    2. Longer term we would like to offer such things out of the box as it makes sense, but it may take a while until we get to it with all the priorities we have unfortunately.

  • Hi Luis, if the reviewer completed the review without introducing a single change (no track changes in the segments) and without adding any comments to segments (we do not use this feature much, but I can imagine there could be a query that needs a response or action) - then I would consider this as "no changes" and it would be safe for the project to skip the implementation step to the next step in the workflow. Thanks for looking into this - our linguists would really appreciate this feature as it would save them a lot of time.

  • Thanks Alicja. Curious how you would define "no changes" in your use cases? Do you decide this based on comments added or not, segment status or anything else?