Under Community Review

Ability to view all details in one layout as shown in Groupshare

Review full details of project overview: Name, Words, Preparation, Translation, Review, Finalisation, etc all in one view.

Presently in Groupshare you are able to review in File Assignment layout all the information relating to the project files, who is working on the project, the stage it is in etc.

See screenshot below.

Screenshot of Trados Groupshare file assignment layout with multiple error icons next to project names indicating issues.

Though in Language Cloud it does not give you the same overview as above.

Screenshot of Trados Language Cloud showing a filtered project list with statuses like 'In Progress' and progress percentages for translation tasks.

Even with the filter options on the left hand side it does not provide an easy overview of what the status of the files are in one view. 

Could the Groupshare overview of File Assignment overview could be installed on Language Cloud - Teams so management of projects is much easier, thus reducing errors and other overlooks that can easily happen.  If anything administration of projects seems to be more challenging, not easier.