Idea Delivered Partially

In December 2021, we enhanced this significantly by introducing what is referred to as "e-mail aggregation", which means that e-mails are no longer sent for each task individually, but rather they are 'aggregated' and sent as a collective mail. There is a short note describing this here: We are happy to get more feedback on this, however, for future further refinements.

Adding the possibility to disable email notifications

It would be very useful to be able to choose and disable Live Team task notifications. For instance, in my role, I am a "project manager" and also part of the "translator" group, which means I receive a notification for every single task and project that is created in Live Team. And then a notification for every change after that (date change, task no longer assigned to me, task reassigned to me, etc. etc.).

I created an Outlook rule to delete these automatically. However, it would be much better to be able to choose the ones one wants to use, or to disable them all in the case of a person with a role like mine.
