Under Community Review

Filter Projects by Project Manager

Is it possible to add a new criterion when filtering Projects? This could be by Project Manager. Since we create a lot of Projects in the system, having this filter per Project Manager would be useful for the PMs to monitor their projects specifically. Thank you!

  • Hi Alex, actually you can do a workarround creating a custom field and filling it with PMs names. I did that. work as as a workarround but not actual soluton.

    Actually there is no PM role in TLT (as far as I know) in the project creation, just task assigment. Am I right?

  • Hi Alex, actually you can do a workarround creating a custom field and filling it with PMs names. I did that. work as as a workarround but not actual soluton.

    Actually there is no PM role in TLT (as far as I know) in the project creation, just task assigment. Am I right?

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