Idea Delivered

For the number of hits, this was delivered with SDL MultiTerm 2017 SR1.

As for Undo for the other layouts: We won't be able to do this as it's based on different technology.

hits numbers and undo command

I had posted these ideas while giving my feedback for the beta version of MultiTerm 2017, so I repost it here assuming this is the right place.

I think it would be very useful - and at the same time very easy to develop - to see the number of hits that match a search in the results panel. Currently, you need to create a filter and process an export applying that filter in order to discover that number.

Moreover, I'd like to have the undo command in all the layouts, not just in the new default. Then, if it could go back not just to the last one, but to the latest (e.g. three) actions, that would be really great.

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