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Multitmer: Hit list currently displays language variants, can this be changes, so only the real target language terms are listed there

we have an issue with Multiterm. When searching for a specific term in a specific language combination, it does not only show the hits of the respective language combination in the hit list on the left side, but also language variants. For example, when we search for a German - Brasilian term, the hit list also shows a Portuguese translation (see support Case No. 00810320).
According to your support, this behaviour is intentional.
Why having all the efforts to split a language in its variants, when in terminology search the linguisitc differences are ignored and all these variants are thrown into one pool?
This is dangerous, as a translator might think this is the requested term to use, although it's been entered for another variant. It might be correct, but it most not be.
We can ignore this behaviour by using the Require Target Terms option, but this is not set by default, so many translators might not even know of its existence.
And in case, I'm doing a general search and want to see the entries of a term in all languages, I have to deactivate the option again.
If this behaviour is intentional, then is it maybe possible, to mark it differently, so it's right away visible that it's a variant?
Or better, not show variants in this search.

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