Planned for Future Release

Add a resource separator for the sources on the left hand side string lists tree

Problem: some projects on our side are made out of multiple smaller clients/products. For consistency and increased resources re-usability reasons we keep all the resources belonging to a big project in one single Passolo project.

Proposal: It would be great to have the possibility to add a separator with a short title to keep the sources organized and easily recognizable (see attached screen).Screenshot of Passolo Ideas showing a list of sources organized under a project with multiple clientsproducts. A separator with a title 'Windows Client' is visible for grouping related resources.

  • This was already considered as an enhancement for the UI but not yet implemented. As a temporary work-around you can introduce a user-defined property in to the project (i.e. Group). Then use it to categorize your modules and then display the project view stored and group by your custom property which may look like this: