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Add support for merging different versions of the Passolo project file

Would it be possible for you to abandon the binary format for the Passolo project file? Because currently it's not possible to merge to versions of the same project file and pick those items you want for the final merged project file. When managing the translation life-cycle using tools such as Git, being able to merge is a key component.

For an example using Git, let's say that you have released your translations (merged to master) and tagged it as version 1.0. This allows you to keep working on your next product release on your development branch. However, 3 months after the release you need to do a hot-fix, hence you branch your previous release and apply the fix, verify it and merge back to master as 1.1. However, it is currently not possible to merge those same changes into the development branch, because that merge would overwrite all changes on develop since you 1.0 release. If the project file was stored as a text format instead of a binary format this would be possible. Instead, what we need to do now, is to manually apply that fix on each current branch.

Kind regards, Johan Johansson @ Elekta

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