When I exchange .tbulic files with our external language provider, his analysis of my file shows more words than mine. This difference has for a long time been an unpleasant issue as it results in the discussion: which analysis is the "right" one / which analysis is the one defining the basis for invoicing? After a long journey, the SDL Support finally told me that the settings of the inline pattern are not embedded in the .pslopt file as I thought and was told before. These settings can only be exported via the settings.ini file from Users\AppData\Roaming\SDL\PAssolo2016\AddIn\PSLInlinePatterns. The external language provider has to put the file here: Users\AppData\Roaming\SDL\PAssolo2016 Translator Edition\AddIn\PSLInlinePatterns and then it works: now both analysis show the same amount of words.
Therefore, I would like these inline pattern settings to be embedded into the .pslopt file.
Furthermore, the idea is also, that all custom-built settings for Parser, Text-Renderer etc. are embedded into the .pslopt file.