Under Community Review

Passolo should not allow you to select the customisable export for source strings for .po files

If you want to export the strings from a .po file, you can use the Customisable Export option.  You can select all of the source strings for export, but this gives an error message.  The message is wrong.  It says this:

>>>One or more of the selected translation lists are already exported.

RWS support tell me that there's enough information at this point because there's a comment against the selection that says this:

>>>This format cannot export source lists.

I don't find that comment helpful - what is 'This format'?  RWS support tell me it refers to the .csv format.  I don't think that is obvious.

I think Passolo should not allow you to select a source list for export.  It should give a clear message at that point to say this:

>>>You can't export source lists for .po files.  Try exporting a translated list instead.

(It would be nice if RWS support passed on concerns to development, instead of making you raise them again in another forum.)

Passolo Exporting String Lists window with an error message. Target Folder section shows File System selected, folder path D:Can delete, and file name ALGDEF_test_7.csv. Output option is set to Write to a single export file. Write dropdown is set to all strings. Below, a list item titled MODUS_ALGDEF_plotter in English (United Kingdom) with a comment stating This format cannot export source lists. An error dialog box from Passolo reads One or more of the selected translation lists are already exported.