Under Community Review

To be able to use the search feature on custom properties or any other column/property available in Translation list

It would be really helpful for me to be able to search a value on a custom property as i use all of them and i need to identify a resource thanks to this information

  • Hello Achim, thank you for your answer. I will try to describe my purpose : As we are not able to translate our .NET DLL through a contextual layout, we developed a tool allowing us the display and copy the 'StringID' or 'Path(=RESX Name)+StringID' into our applications  while reviewing the translation (Information copied to the clipboard). Thanks to this information, we are able to easily find/identify the string (if unique) ('String ID' in Passolo) or using the path ('Resource ID' in Passolo) into our Passolo project with search tool.

    I would like to improve the search using the user-defined properties. I imagine we could concatenate the following data : "\Ressource ID\StringID" (corresponding to the information format provided by our application). So then, we could manage Passolo in command line to open it on the right resource to review directly. I hope it helps your to understand. So let me know if you have any comment/recommendation to manage this please.

  • Hello Achim, thank you for your answer. I will try to describe my purpose : As we are not able to translate our .NET DLL through a contextual layout, we developed a tool allowing us the display and copy the 'StringID' or 'Path(=RESX Name)+StringID' into our applications  while reviewing the translation (Information copied to the clipboard). Thanks to this information, we are able to easily find/identify the string (if unique) ('String ID' in Passolo) or using the path ('Resource ID' in Passolo) into our Passolo project with search tool.

    I would like to improve the search using the user-defined properties. I imagine we could concatenate the following data : "\Ressource ID\StringID" (corresponding to the information format provided by our application). So then, we could manage Passolo in command line to open it on the right resource to review directly. I hope it helps your to understand. So let me know if you have any comment/recommendation to manage this please.

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