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To have an option to set Translate properties for any non-translatable elements when using XML parser in Passolo

Currently there is no option to set Translate properties for any non-translatable elements when using XML parser in Passolo while there is such option when using XML or XLIFF parsers in Trados Studio.

For example, In an XML file, when some children elements are non-translatable while its parent element is translatable. Without the option to set translatable element in Passolo, all children elements in this example will be opened for translation. 

See sample codes below. The localization requirement is only texts tagged with source element is localizable. Any elements inside source element are not localizable.  In the sample below, only the first source element contains localizable texts " Commit Action ", while the 2nd source element has no translatable texts.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xliff version="2.0" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0" srcLang="en">
<file id="ngi18n" original="ng.template">

<unit id="5621597867547268354">
<note category="location">src/app/administration/administration.component.html:8</note>
<note category="description">Tab title</note>
        <source><pc id="0" equivStart="START_TAG_SPAN" equivEnd="CLOSE_TAG_SPAN" type="other" dispStart="&lt;span *ngIf=&quot;!commitActionRobot&quot;&gt;" dispEnd="&lt;/span&gt;"> Available </pc> Commit Action </source>


<unit id="8557447174781948942">
<note category="location">src/app/administration/administration.component.html:20</note>
<note category="location">src/app/administration/oauth-client-secret/oauth-client-secret.component.html:15</note>
<note category="description">Tab title</note>
        <source><pc id="0" equivStart="START_LINK" equivEnd="CLOSE_LINK" type="link" dispStart="&lt;a



        mat-button&gt;" dispEnd="&lt;/a&gt;">Toggle all</pc></source>


Based on the current options in the XML parser, the following texts tagged with pc elements are opened for translation. This will cause over-translation in the localized XML files.

1. Available 

2. Toggle all

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