Not Considering
  • We have already stopped supporting the previous app due to its underdevelopment, and reviving a similar concept doesn't align with our current direction.
  • There are more reliable, off-the-shelf solutions available for backing up files and managing translation memories (TMs) and termbases (TBs). These systems are more comprehensive, stable, and widely adopted.
  • The original app generated very little interest, suggesting that the demand for such a capability as a standalone app is low. It is unlikely that reintroducing this idea would bring about significant traction or added value.

Extend the TMBackup App to support server-based TM backups

Apologies if this is the wrong forum for this. (Please move to the proper section if so)

This is an idea for an SDL App TMBackup. If at all possible, it would be great if the app could support server-based TMs and TBs from GroupShare/GroupShare Cloud.


Parents Comment Children
  • Fair enough, but what about GroupShare Cloud and GroupShare Dedicated? I supose for dedicated they can work with the Cloud team to implement something, but for Cloud this is not an option is it? That's why I made this recommendation. To be honest this should be a native feature, accessible via WEB for GroupShare, in my opinion.

  • Hi - The backups made server-side at the database level are hard or very hard to restore (sometimes impossible - to restore a TM container you need a separate GroupShare instance, which customers do not have), especially TMs that can be a lot in one TM container database. It is also error prone without a strong knowledge of the database structure and where all the references are. Also it is something that the users can not do themselves and they would rely on the IT team - which is not ideal. A strong tool for this would be welcomed for sure. We do have Migrating TMs that can do batch GroupShare TM exports, including from GS Cloud. do you know about that one? I don't think we have anything for termbases though.

  • Hi one of my colleagues introduced to me to Migrating TMs; this looks promising. Also thanks for your first-hand insights above. Never knew the complexities involved in the back end for backups...