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Ideas for studioViews

Some ideas for studioViews:

  1. In the UI from the Files view (i.e. context menu and studioViews window), change 'split' to 'split/merge' everywhere. The wiki only mentions 'Split by equal parts' for merging files, but you can in fact use any of the three options to split and merge files. For example, if you select three 1,000-word files and select 'Split by word count' = 1,500, you'll get two files with 1,500 words (each containing half of the second file). So every menu and button that says 'Split' actually means 'Split and/or merge'. Same behavior of course, but just a bit less confusing.
    In the Editor view, the UI says 'Export' and 'Import' everywhere, which is less confusing than having to click a 'Split' button in order to merge files.

  2. For 'Split by segment ids', add somewhere (as in the SDLXLIFF Split/Merge add-in) that you need to enter the segment numbers after which (not before which) you want to split. Again, to avoid confusion.

  3. It doesn't make sense to me that the option to exclude segment statuses such as Locked (which is available in SDLXLIFF Split/Merge) is not available in studioViews. If you want to split a large file in which you have already translated and locked 2,000 words in quotes from legislation, for example, it seems logical to me that you don't wish these 2,000 words to be included in the word count used for splitting purposes.
    For example: a large file contains 6,000 words in total. 2,000 words have been translated and locked, and 4,000 words remain to be translated. I would want the two split files to contain 2,000 words for translation each (regardless of their total word count). Currently, however, studioViews will create 2 split files containing 3,000 words each in total, but the first one may contain 3,000 words for translation, and the second one only 1,000 words for translation.
    I would therefore like to have the options for segment exclusion from the SDLXLIFF Split/Merge add-in to be available in studioViews as well.

Best regards

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